2020年度 アニュアルレポート
Heterodyne spectral interferometry for single-shot 2D hyperspectral imaging in terahertz wave region
高澤 一輝 (M2)
Kazuki Takasawa
LA-STAMP(STAMP utilizing Lenslet Array)におけるフレーム数増加による計測可能時間窓の拡大
Expanding measurable time window of LA-STAMP (STAMP utilizing Lens Array) by increasing the number of frames
糸山 翔太 (M1)
Shota Itoyama
Theoretical analysis of quantum imaging based on induced coherence with induced emission and a proposal of a new mid-infrared single-shot ultrafast imaging scheme with LA-STAMP
高橋 和輝 (M1)
Kazuki Takahashi
2D Compressed Sensing with Chirped pulse
葉 京武 (B4)
Keibu Yo
Functional CARS measurement using femtosecond laser pulse and spatial light modulator
松田 拓己 (M2)
Takumi Matsuda
Type-II 周期的分極反転ニオブ酸リチウム導波路結晶を用いた多重周波数モード混合
Multiple frequency mode mixing using Type-II periodically poled LiNO3 waveguide
山岸 佑多 (M1)
Yuta Yamagishi
Type-II 周期分極反転KTiOPO4導波路を用いたスクイーズドパルス生成
Generation of pulsed squeezed light with type-II periodically poling KTiOPO4 waveguide
丹治 和史 (B4)
Kazufumi Tanji
Development of an adaptive optics system for a wide-filed temporal focusing pulse
石川 智啓 (D3)
Tomohiro Ishikawa
Development of a Time-Multiplexed temporal focusing Microscopy
稲澤 健太 (M2)
Kenta Inazawa
Observation of Excessive Characteristics of All-Normal Dispersion Mode-Locked Yb Fiber Oscillators by Time-Stretch Spectroscopy
吉澤 夢来 (B4)
Muku Yoshizawa